Where Shreya and Colin go on an online adventure involving #cryptocurrency. Blog Post: http://www.lawyerhumans.com/the-lawyer-human-show-episode-098/
The Lawyer-Human Show – 097
Where Shreya is “first class” and Colin calls Shreya out on her lack of knowledge about health insurance.
The Lawyer-Human Show – 096
Where Shreya talks about “home” and Colin has nothing to add. Show Notes: http://www.lawyerhumans.com/the-lawyer-human-show-episode-096/
Estate Planning Rates
Like clockwork every year, the day after school starts, our phones at LayRoots start ringing off the hook. Parents emerging from the “summer fog” as one client put it, are ready to get estate planning off the to-do list.
Many of these parents want to know our rates. They ask some variation of “what do you charge for [blank]?” Any decent estate planning attorney hates this question due to the ol’ lawyer motto…it depends.
And I get it…people want to make a budget and have an idea of what type of investment they are getting ready to shell out. I believe the reason most people ask about cost is that it is something they can understand. Most people don’t know enough about the details of estate planning to compare anything but the dollar bills.
Here are some fun analogies to drive home the point. [Read more…] about Estate Planning Rates
The Lawyer-Human Show – 075
Where Colin calls out Shreya on her relationship with tequila and this is marriage.
Asset Protection Podcast: Episode 02 “Frivolous Lawsuits”
What are frivolous lawsuits?
There’s a certain violence that goes unreported to the police every day in America. This violence occurs to a third of all US citizens over their lifetimes, but you don’t often see it reported in the news headlines. Millions and millions of cases a year…but you might think it can’t happen to you. What are these violent acts that slide by the authorities? [Read more…] about Asset Protection Podcast: Episode 02 “Frivolous Lawsuits”