It is November. We are now three months into our business venture, but no matter if we were three months or three years or three decades into this venture, we strive to continually learn and grow as individuals and business owners. We have an insatiable curiosity for the world around us. These are the things satisfying our cravings this month:
Shreya is reading the “E-Myth” and “A Stranger in a Strange Land.” She just finished reading “Open City” and is consistently thumbing through “Think and Grow Rich.”
She finds it curious that every time she picks up “Think and Grow Rich” she seems to happen upon a chapter or passage that is particularly applicable to things that she is experiencing in business. Curiouser and curiouser.
Colin is reading “Millions Within” and “Desert Solitaire.” He also has been consistently thumbing through ‘Think and Grow Rich.” Furthermore, he finished the “E-Myth” and “Endless Referrals.”
He cannot contain his excitement for the nuggets of wisdom that he is finding and wants to share them with fellow business owners that he encounters.
This month, our music tastes seem to overlap. We cannot stop listening to Macklemore – “The Heist.” Yes, it is particularly exciting because he is a local Seattle-ite. Yes, it might be a bit masochistic because he seems to have great distaste for attorneys (probably because he has not met us yet). We have embraced these realities and cannot stop loudly playing the album.
We also have been listening to quite a bit of St. Lucia and Wild Child.
Do you have any suggestions for us? What should we put on our music and book list?